Your car radio may lock when the battery of your Nissan Micra 2008 is changed. To unlock it you need a four digit code. If you have lost your car radio code or if the seller didn't give it to you, we can retrieve it for you.

How to unlock my Nissan Micra 2008 car radio?
If you don't know your car radio code, your car dealer can find it for you. However, many drivers complain about very high prices at their dealership. Luckily for you, CarGroov can retrieve your Nissan Micra 2008 car radio code at a lower price. We only need the serial number of your car radio. That's all!
What I need first : the serial number of my car radio.
How to find the serial number of my Nissan Micra 2008 car radio?
There are two ways to find the serial number of your car radio.
- On the screen directly via the menu
- On the sticker on the side of the car radio
Method 1
Enter a wrong code three times. Data will be displayed on the screen (the car radio will be locked for one hour). We need these data to retrieve your unlocking code. Write the data down or take a picture.
This method does not work with all types of car radio!

Method 2
The serial number of your car radio is written on a sticker on its side. In order to read it, you need to remove the car radio from the dashboard.

The serial number of your Nissan car radio may start with :
- BP (Exemple : BP8146X3343454)
- 815BP (Exemple : 815BP632232924502)
- CL (Exemple : CL0410X0014698) ➡️ A second number beginning with C7 is required!
- DW (Exemple : DW54N08345) ➡️ PICTURE NEEDED
- CM (Exemple : CM015655292387)
- M (Exemple : M372280)
- ...
With my serial number, I can now get my code 🙂
Generate your Nissan Micra 2008 car radio code
Now that you have your car radio serial number, you can order your unlocking code.
Please note that for certain types of serial number (CL, DW), we will ask you for a photo. Unfortunately, the model with the CL number can only be decoded if there is a second sticker with a number starting with C7. We will therefore need two numbers: the CL number and the C7 number.
Our address for sending your information or if you have any questions: [email protected]
Get your unlock code for your Nissan car radio
Read the serial number on the sticker on the side of your car radio. It start with BP, 815BP, CM, DW, CL,... If we need more infos we may ask you for a picture of the sticker.

Here are some examples of Nissan radio codes:
Serial number | code |
BP538771226370 | 1881 |
BP536258413909 | 2280 |
DW4CN15499 | 6121 |
815BP538789964126 | 4696 |
BP538971315310 | 9196 |
BP538761123928 | 3667 |
You can order the original code of your car radio using our PayPal form above 👍
If you have any question, you may contact us at [email protected]
How to enter the code in my Nissan car radio to unlock it?
Now that you have received your four-digit code you can unlock your car radio.
You may need to use buttons 1 to 4 to enter your car radio code.
How much time before I receive my Nissan car radio code?
It depends on the car radio model. For serial numbers BP, 815BP, CM and M, you will receive your code instantly. For other models, you will be asked for additional information and the processing time can vary from a few minutes to a few hours. In any case, you can always contact us at [email protected] 👍
How can I get my Nissan Micra 2008 car radio code for free?
The only way to get a free Nissan car radio code is to go through your Nissan dealer and hope that they provide you with your code for free! Ask them first if the service is free, if so then you can get your free Nissan car radio code. If they ask you to pay or you're in a hurry, you can use our automated service which will be cheaper and quicker.